Hadley Fannon & Courtney Death: Pregnant teacher and her husband died

Hadley Fannon & Courtney Death: On Friday, March 8, the world lost two beautiful souls, Courtney Fannon and Ha Hadley Jaye Fannon, long before any of us were ready to live in a world without them. On the night of March 8, they were called to their eternal rest after a very tragic and unexpected event.

Courtney Fannon, a New York public school teacher who spent her final moments at school, collapsed Friday shortly after sending a brief text message to her husband.

Fannon spent the day like any other at Kendall Central School, gathering her ideas and materials before heading home.

She was found unresponsive after a day at work at Kendall Elementary School on Friday, March 8, and was taken to a nearby hospital where she was pronounced dead.

Fannon is 29 years old, the Rochester Chronicle Democrat reported.


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