Aveyon Jordan Obituary: The Portsmouth community is reeling from the devastating loss of Aveyon Jordan, a vibrant 19-year-old whose promising future was abruptly taken from him in a senseless act of violence. Aveyon, known as a dedicated student and a beloved basketball player, tragically lost his life on Monday night in a shooting incident investigated by the Portsmouth Police Department.
At approximately 10:30 p.m., authorities responded to reports of a shooting in the area of the 4700 block of Haywood Drive, near High St W on Route 17. Upon arrival, they found Aveyon Jordan suffering from gunshot wounds that proved fatal. Despite the efforts of first responders, Aveyon succumbed to his injuries at the scene.
The Portsmouth Police Department has launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding Aveyon’s death, but details remain scarce as they continue their inquiries. The entire community mourns the loss of this bright young man, described as hardworking and loving by those who knew him best.