Emily Hibbs Obituary: Beloved Father passed away at 59

Emily Hibbs Obituary: In the wake of a devastating tragedy, we mourn the loss of a thoughtful, hardworking father whose life was tragically cut short in a freak logging accident.

With heavy hearts, we grapple with the sudden absence of a beloved pillar of our family, whose presence brought light and warmth to our lives.

As we prepare to mark what would have been his 59th birthday this Saturday, we are overwhelmed by the enormity of our loss.

For 35 years, he dedicated himself to the logging business, demonstrating unparalleled commitment and diligence in his work.

In the midst of our grief, we find ourselves grappling with uncertainty about the future. Without him by our side, we are left to navigate life’s challenges without his guidance and unwavering support.

Though our sorrow knows no bounds, we take solace in the cherished memories we hold dear. His legacy lives on in the countless lives he touched with his kindness, generosity, and tireless work ethic.

As we mourn his passing, we long for the opportunity to express our gratitude and love one last time. Though words cannot convey the depth of our sorrow, we hold onto the hope that he knew how deeply he was cherished and appreciated.

Emily Hibbs GoFundMe: A page is created for the support of Savannah Emily Hibbs family. In times of profound loss, extending a hand of support or contributing to a grieving family can provide immeasurable comfort and assistance.

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