Ethan Monshaugen Obituary: Moorhead, 12 year old boy passed away

Ethan Monshaugen Obituary: It is with heavy hearts that we share the heartbreaking news of the passing of Ethan Monshaugen, a beloved 12-year-old boy from Moorhead. Ethan’s sudden departure has left a void in the hearts of all who knew him, and his memory will forever be cherished.

Described as a kind and caring soul, Ethan was not only a wonderful brother but also a dedicated member of the Moorhead HS Golf Team and served as the Spud Varsity Hockey Team Manager for the past two seasons.

His presence on the ice and around the rink brought joy to many, and his absence will be deeply felt by his teammates, friends, and family.

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Ethan leaves behind two brothers, Nolan and Cam, who share his passion for hockey, as well as three little sisters who adored him. The outpouring of support from the community is a testament to the impact Ethan had on those around him, and the memories he created will be cherished forever.

Our deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences go out to Ethan’s family and loved ones. May they find comfort in the outpouring of love and support from the community during this challenging time. Ethan will always be remembered for his kindness, warmth, and the joy he brought to all who knew him.

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