Tom Cardwell Obituary: President of Corby Town Table Tennis Club passed away

Tom Cardwell Obituary: Beloved President of Corby Town Table Tennis Club  , Tom Cardwell, who passed away on Thursday, March 21 2024.

Tom’s remarkable legacy spans 48 years of unwavering dedication to the Corby Town Table Tennis Club, where he served as the driving force behind our community.

Tom’s absence leaves an irreplaceable void in our hearts and in the very fabric of our club. His passion for sport, infectious enthusiasm, and unwavering commitment have touched the lives of countless members and players throughout the years.

As our President, Tom led with integrity, kindness, and an enduring love for the game. He was not only a mentor and coach but also a cherished friend to all who had the privilege of knowing him.

Beyond his achievements on the table, Tom’s compassion and empathy shone brightly as a coach.

He nurtured talent, celebrated victories, and supported players through every triumph and setback. His impact on generations of athletes will be felt for years to come.

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In honoring Tom’s wishes, there will be no funeral service. Instead, let us remember him fondly whenever we gather around the table, his spirit forever present in the echoes of each game played.

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