Jose DLopez Missing: Cargo ship crash, construction worker missing

Jose DLopez Missing: The situation in Baltimore remains dire as four construction workers are still unaccounted for following the collision involving a cargo ship and the Francis Scott Key Bridge.

Recovery efforts have been temporarily suspended due to the challenges posed by the wreckage.

In an exclusive interview with WJZ, Isabel Franco, the wife of Jose Lopez, one of the missing workers, shared her profound anguish and desperation as she waits for any news of her husband’s fate.

The language barrier adds an additional layer of difficulty for Franco, but her friend Lilly Ordoñez helped convey her emotions, expressing the depth of her despair.

Franco revealed that Lopez immigrated to the United States from Guatemala 19 years ago. Together, they have one child, but Lopez was also a caring father figure to Franco’s two other children.

Describing him as a loving and hardworking man who always prioritized his family, Franco lamented the loss of her husband and the impact it has had on their family.

The loss of Dorlian Cabrera, a close friend and coworker of Lopez, whose body was recovered, has compounded Franco’s grief. She expressed sadness at their close bond and the void left by Cabrera’s passing.

With the recovery mission currently suspended, Franco’s primary focus is on obtaining closure by locating her husband’s body.

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