De’Angelo Watts Obituary, Alabama, Minor HS Junior died from cancer

De’Angelo Watts Obituary: Deangelo Watts, Alabama, a Minor High School junior who was battling stage four cancer passed away last night.

De’Angelo’s mother, Ja’Meisha Watson informed me today that her son passed away last night. The mother said her son fought until his final breath.

De’Angelo Watts Cause of Death

De’Angelo was diagnosed with Synovial sarcoma. According to the Mayo Clinic, Synovial sarcoma is a rare type of cancer that tends to occur near large joints, mainly the knees.

Deangelo Watts GoFundMe: Please keep De’Angelo’s family and friends in your prayers. A fundraising campaign has been established to support De’Angelo and his family.

Read also: Kyra Roberts Obituary: Hamilton, ON, Mohawk College alumna died at 42


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